All you Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers, Virtues of the heavens, Cherubim and Seraphim, bless the Lord forever.

Today is the
Feast of the Saints Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, Archangels.
The angels play a large role in the life of the Church, from the beginning of Creation, throughout the Old and New Testament, and the daily lives of all.
Women for Faith and Family capture all the teachings from the
Catechism of the Catholic Church on the angels.
September 29 was originally dedicated only to
St. Michael, with
St. Gabriel formerly on March 24 (the day before the Annunciation), and
St. Raphael on October 24. The 1969 reform of the General Roman Calendar combined these feast days for today's triple feast.
As discussed before, there are many traditions and foods connected with this feast. From
This day is referred to as "Michaelmas" in many countries and is also one of the harvest feast days. In England this is one of the "quarter days", which was marked by hiring servants, electing magistrates, and beginning of legal and university terms. This day also marks the opening of the deer and other large game hunting season. In some parts of Europe, especially Germany, Denmark, and Austria, a special wine called "Saint Michael's Love" (Michelsminne) is drunk on this day. The foods for this day vary depending on nationality. In the British Isles, for example, goose was the traditional meal for Michaelmas, eaten for prosperity, France has waffles or Gaufres and the traditional fare in Scotland used to be St. Michael's Bannock (Struan Micheil) — a large, scone-like cake. In Italy, gnocchi is the traditional fare.

Since this is a food blog, I'm highlighting the feasting. But food is just a part of the feast: the Liturgy, the prayers, the crafts, the reading, copywork, nature study, and other activities are the various colored threads woven together to make a beautiful tapestry in our domestic churches. May the angels continue to guide and protect us safely to our heavenly home.
Please note: This post was originally published in 2008, and there are several blogs that are not operating, but we will leave the post as originally written. Those blogs no longer linking will have an asterisk (*) before the paragraph.
Mary at
Our Domestic Church loves to research feast days (almost as much as I do), and then loves to place a spin on some of the traditions.
Angel Foods for Feasting and
Angels From Thy Bounty Fair are two posts that give a wide range of ideas for these feasts that involve angels.
I haven't traced the originator of the idea, but one of the most popular item for today's feast is Devil's Food Cake accompanied by cocktail swords, so that everyone can assist St. Michael in defeating the Devil. It is a great hands-on activity that can give all of us the reminder that we need to constantly fight temptation and sin.

*And our tour continues with Suzanne at
Gladdest Hours shares her photos and
Michaelmas feast day plans. She includes reading, decorations, activities, and her menu, Oriental Chicken Wings, Angel Hair Pasta, Broccoli, and Devil's Food Cake with swords.
Chez Ouiz shares her pictures from last year
for the feast of the archangels. Stabbing the Devil's Food Cake with swords is front and center tonight for dessert, and the picture of her boys in costumes acting out St. Michael and the Dragon is so wonderful!
Jessica at
Shower of Roses shares in detail all her
feast day plans for Michaelmas. The menu will involve St. Michael's waffles, Apple Chicken, and Devil's Food Cupcakes with swords. The feast day plans are also real learning -- so she includes crafts, copywork, and reading.
*Marci at
6Hands2Hold is having an angel themed day
for the Feast of the Archangels. Menu highlights: Breakfast will include blackberries, lunch deviled egg sandwiches, and dinner will be Angel Hair Pasta with Creamy Alfredo Sauce and Grated Carrots. Dessert will guessed it, Devil's Food Cake accompanied with swords!

Carole, who now lives and learns in Wales, sent me her
feast day plans. I have to admit, I wish I was breaking bread with her. Her menu: Bottled Blackberries, Roast Chicken with Sour Cream and Apple Stuffing, and homemade bread.
Lorri and
The Mac and Cheese Chronicles shares her
homeschool group Michaelmas celebrations. Dessert included angel food cake with whipped cream wings and devil's food cupcakes.
Eileen at
Eileen on Him has
her Michaelmas feast day celebration from last year. On the menu: St. Michael's Bannock with Honey Butter; Garden Salad with fancy-grated Parmesan cheese; Archangels on Horseback over Angel Hair Pasta Alfredo.
Heather at
These Thy Gifts shares the successful
feast day dinner, which seemed to be quite a hit by the pictures of the happy faces. The menu included deviled eggs, Deviled Chicken, Roasted Deviled Potatoes, steamed carrots (St. Raphael is the patron saint of eyesight!) and, Devil's food cake for dessert--with those little cocktail swords.
Feast of the Guardian Angels, October 2nd

Today's feast is first of two feasts of this week in honor of the angels. October 2nd is the
Memorial of the Guardian Angels.
Jessica shares her
Guardian Angel Plans which include include an angel food cake in a trifle bowl to incorporate whipped cream clouds.
Heather also has angel food cake and angel hair pasta on the menu for her
her guardian angel plans.
Angel Crafts
I think the feast day crafting goes hand-in-hand with the menu plans. Some great examples can be found at Dawn's Tea and Craft ideas for these
feast days. And while Alice doesn't have specific
liturgical teas for the angels, there are angelic ideas on these pages, which combine crafting and foods for the feast. Many of the links above in this post also include creative angel crafts, and here are some more inspirational ideas:
Mary gives directions for some wonderful
Angel Candy Favors, made from golden Hershey Kisses. These are just too cute!
Ana Braga-Henebry designed these darling
angels to craft. Printer, scissors, tape, crayons, craft sticks and you're good to go! I plan on crafting as soon as I post this!
Eileen had some wonderful painting crafts for the Guardian Angels, too.
And for wonderful coloring pages, get your dance card and waltz on over to
Waltzing Matilda where Charlotte shares her talent with us. First there is the archangels:
St. Michael,
St. Raphael, and
St. Gabriel. Then she has the
Guardian Angels based on one of my favorite Hummel pictures.
I'll close with the Collect Prayer from the feast of the Archangels:
God our Father,
in a wonderful way you guide the work of angels and men.
May those who serve you constantly in heaven
keep our lives safe from all harm on earth.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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