Saturday, January 28, 2012

Recipes for February ~ Month Dedicated to the Holy Family

The Month of February is dedicated 
to the Holy Family.

"Nothing truly can be more salutary or efficacious for Christian families to meditate upon than the example of this Holy Family, which embraces the perfection and completeness of all domestic virtues." ~ Pope Leo XIII

February 1st, St. Brigid (Hist.):

February 2nd, Presentation of Our Lord (New and Trad) also known as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Candlemas Day (Trad):

February 3rd, St. Blaise (New, Trad.):

February 5th, St. Agatha (New, Trad.):

February 8th, St. Josephine Bakhita (New):

February 11th, Our Lady of Lourdes (New, Trad.):

February 14th, St. Valentine (Trad.):



Desserts and Treats


February 16th, St. Paul Shipwrecked (Malta):

February 18th, St. Bernadette Soubirous (New, Trad.):

February 20th Bls. Francisco Marto & Jacinta Marto (New/some places):

February 22nd, Chair of St. Peter:

February 27th, St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (Trad.):

Lord Jesus Christ, who, being made subject to Mary and Joseph, didst consecrate domestic life by Thine ineffable virtues; grant that we, with the assistance of both, may be taught by the example of Thy holy Family and may attain to its everlasting fellowship. Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.
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  1. Which recipe goes with the photo of the two bread loaves, the one in the bottom left corner of the six photos of St. Brigid recipes? It looks yummy!!

    1. It was part of the "St. Brigid Vegetable Soup" post, shared by Amy. She suggested serving the soup with "warm homemade bread" and linked to her own recipe, but it looks like the link isn't working.

      I'll ask her about it, but since she just delivered her 8th baby yesterday it might be a little while. :)
