Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Healthy St. Valentine's Day Treat!

As I mentioned in my last post, we have been trying to come up with some alternatives to the usual candy treats for St. Valentine's Day this year, since it falls during Lent.  I originally ran across this idea over at Happy Money Saver and decided to create my own document incorporating St. Valentine into the greeting for one of my children to assemble and give to his friends at our St. Valentine's Party and Card Exchange this Thursday.

Here is our Document:  

Some of the other non-candy treats we will be giving away this year include bags of pretzels, goldfish, fruit snacks, and fruit leathers.   

I'm so thankful that at least St. Valentine's Day is not on Ash Wednesday or on a Friday...  How does your family celebrate St. Valentine's Day when it falls during Lent?  

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  1. We have deferred it until Sunday lol. And our homeschool group celebrated last week just for this reason. It's hard though, figuring put what to do

  2. Love this! We celebrated earlier in the week this year, but we are trying to move away from so much candy at holidays. I LOVE the cuties, especially. I'll probably copy that from you for next year! :)

  3. I found this blog while searching whether St. Valentine's day is still a feast day if it passes during Lent. This was so heart-warming. I wish my parents cared like this when I was growing up.
