Monday, June 21, 2010

Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist

June 24th
~Celebrating The Nativity of St. John the Baptist~ 
Read more about the Forerunner of Christ HERE and HERE
St. John the Baptist is often endeared for his humility.   He was humble in his actions, dress, and even through what he ate.
"John wore clothing made of camel's hair and had a leather belt around his waist.  His food was locusts and wild honey."~Matthew 3:4~

Try this St. John the Baptist Locust and Honey Snack!
Warning:  This is not the most "glamorous" snack...But that's exactly the point! 
It's a tad-bit messy but very simple, fun, and healthy too.

2 celery stalks
Handful of mini pretzels
Peanut Butter
A few drizzles of honey
3-4 Large Marshmallows
Pinch of mini chocolate chips
1.  Clean and cut your celery stalks to use for the locust body
2.  Cut large marshmallows to size for the head (photo below)
3.  Spread celery with peanut butter and lightly coat marshmallows with peanut butter
4.  Use peanut butter to stick marshmallow head to celery body
5.  Break pretzels to form locust legs 
6.  Break pretzels for antennae and use peanut butter to stick (Sometimes using a toothpick to do this is easiest)
7. Place mini chocolate chips for locust eyes
8. Drizzle honey through the middle of the celery
9. Sprinkle with mini chocolate chips to finish
~Because of the detail work and trying to get the "parts" to stick, this snack may be difficult for children under 5 to make~
Our 2-year old voted "Yum!"
~It is with a humble heart that I thank Jessica for inviting me to post here occasionally.  I look forward to sharing the joys of our beautiful faith through liturgical celebrations.  God Bless all of you authors and readers!~
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  1. Yay! This is the perfect something to go with our seashell shaped cookies! :) (which I bought, did not make, thank you peppridge farm...)

  2. wow. very creative Tiffany. Love it.

  3. Thank you so much, Tiffany... the perfect snack to help reinforce the concept of eating insects - not glamorous, but nourishing!
    We'll definitely make these.

  4. Were going to have some fun with this today! 🤣
