
Monday, July 12, 2010

A Scapular Cake

This beautiful cake was submitted by Jackie Rosario from Tampa, Florida.  She says "The idea came from your blog – the design came from my daughter’s scapular! Enjoy!"  Thank you Jackie!

You can find directions and pictures of other Scapular Cakes and Brownies in honor of the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the archives for July


  1. That cake is simply beautiful! What an amazing job!

  2. You did a beautiful job! Thanks for the inspiration. :-)

  3. Great job, I love how you have iced this scapular cake, I think I'll have a go at it like this, for the feast this year!

  4. Wow! That is so wonderful...definitely going to mark this idea of the future!

  5. I would get to eat it then wear it and I'd be blessed twice.

    lovely cake, looks delish too!

  6. Purgatory

    ** == ** == ***

    From the book of the soul in Purgatory: Maria Simma and vision of purgatory - a treatise on Purgatory St. Catherine Genoese, Maria Simma (church approved)

    God to which we arrive, the sky, God, who lost, hell, God, which cleanses us, is purgatory. Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988)

    Souls in purgatory must suffer so much due to his negligence, because of the convenience of piety, because of lack of zeal for the salvation of God and neighbor. How they can help, if not zadostiučiňující love that sacrifices for them, those acts of virtue which they themselves neglected especially in life?

    If people knew how powerful are these good souls in purgatory on God's heart, and if they knew what grace can be achieved in their intercession, certainly would not be so abandoned, we must pray much for them, that they pray a lot for us.

    Sv. John Mary Vianney, priest of Ars (1786-1859)

    Wake up, sleeping,

    ask God for the souls in purgatory!



    Christian Mother Mary

    resurrect an Arab!



    Svätý Ján Mária Vianney

    Zapamätajte si, Vy – veriaci ľudia, že ak nemáte lásku, tak ste falošními pokrytcami a nikdy nebudete vidieť Boha v nebi. Ale ak niekto tebou pohŕda, ak sa ukazuje hrubý a nevďačný, nechceš ho milovať, nechceš ho vidieť, vyhýbaš sa jeho spoločenstvu. Môj Bože! Predsa takéto správanie nás privedie do zatratenia!

  7. Carmelite Scapular privileges. Who dies clothed in St. Scapular, will not be lost. He who wears St. scapular, a devotee of the Mother of God as it provides protection for body and soul in this life, and emergency assistance in the hour of death.

    The promise of Mary: Anyone who devoutly wear St. scapular and maintaining the purity of their status will be freed from purgatory on the first Saturday after their death.
    Those who belong to the Brotherhood of St. Scapular, the spiritual connection with the Order of Carmel and its share in the spiritual good in life after death, such as masses, vol. acceptance, self-denial, Prayer, fasting, etc.

