
Monday, July 12, 2010

Carmel Iced Milks and Coffee

This post, in honor of the upcoming feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, was written by Robina, at Motherly Loving, and submitted for publication here at Catholic Cuisine. Thank you Robina!    A few other drink ideas for this feast can be found in the archives including: Granita di Caffe, Mystic Monk Coffee, and Mount Carmel Steamers!

In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel which falls in the heat of the summer, make some easy and yummy refreshing iced drinks for your family for morning or evening. I decided to make these drinks because I wanted to make something special for my husband who faithfully wears his Our Lady of Mounat Carmel scapular medal daily. He loves Starbuck's Carmel Frappuccinos, so I decided to make a homemade version for him for to take on his way to work on the morning of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

For the children, make Carmel Ice milks by blending milk, carmel sauce and ice in a blender. Top with whipped cream and carmel sauce.

For a refreshing start to your morning make a Carmel Iced Coffee by blending chilled strong coffee (4 times stronger is what I like), milk, carmel sauce, milk and ice. Pour into a glass and for a sweet addition top with whipped cream and carmel sauce.

Or make it a Carmel Coffee piping hot with carmel melted in it.
Add a shot of coffee liquor and serve it in a wine glass for an after dinner treat.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!


  1. Yum! I'm trying to kick the McDonald's Caramel Frappe kick -- I think I'll make homemade for this feast day -- such a treat!
