
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brown Scapular brownies

Here is a very simple recipe I came up with last year to celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Brown Scapular brownies

Ingredients/ supplies

1 batch of brownies, cut into 1 inch X 1 1/2 inches

chocolate frosting, to paste the images on to the brownies :-)

brown or white yarn, cut into 18" long- tucked under the brownies

these images of the Brown Scapular
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!
St. Simon Stock, pray for us!


  1. We have made scapular brownies for several years, minus the cords. We might just have to add them on Friday.

  2. +J.M.J+

    How about using chocolate licorice twists or laces for the cord?
