
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In Honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Last year, inspired by Anne, I made a Brown Scapular Cake with the help of my little sister. My children loved it and asked if we could make another one this year. I was a bit worried on how it would turn out since my sister moved out of state and couldn't drop by to draw Our Lady for me, and I also seem to have some sort of nerve problem in my left hand which made it very difficult to keep my hands steady. In the end, despite all the little flaws, my children were thrilled and are so excited for tomorrow. Nevertheless, next year I think I might just decorate it as a Sports Scapular!

I plan to serve the cake with some Vanilla Ice Cream, topped with some caramel sauce. Yummmm!!

If you happened to make one, I would love to see yours and will link to it below. If you don't have a blog, you can always email a picture and I can upload it to this post:

This cake is from Anne, who inspired me in the first place. She creatively used two round chocolate mud cakes cut into rectangles and made the scapular's straps from some of the remaining cake.

She them laminated the traditional images and placed them on top of the cake. It turned out beautiful Anne!

Here is another scapular cake, this one from Harmony at Wholesome Feasts. It too turned out just lovely!

This beautiful cake was made by Life at Le. Rheims:

Thank you all for sharing your cakes with all of us!

I hope you all have a blessed feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Thou who, with special mercy, look upon those clothed in thy beloved Habit, cast a glance of pity upon me. Fortify my weakness with thy strength; enlighten the darkness of my mind with thy wisdom; increase my faith, hope and charity. Assist me during life, console me by thy presence at my death, and present me to the August trinity as thy devoted child, that I may bless thee for all eternity in Paradise. Amen.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~ Pray for us!


  1. WOW Jessica! That cake is excellent! I like how you made the strings edible too!

    I did one this year again as well, but once again I took the easier option of images to go on the cake, but I laminated them this time for future use. Instead of using shoe strings I used part of the cake left over (which had originally been round) for the strings. I'll email you my picture! Happy Feast Day!

  2. When do you sleep???

    I was going to make this, but then I realized that we are leaving at 2:00am tomorrow/tonight for North Carolina!! Next year!!

  3. Jessica, this are beautiful cakes! Congrats to Anne and Harmony and thank you for sharing! God bless!
    I'm glad catholic cuisine is back with delicious posts, missed you last week. God bless!

    Divine Office Podcast

  4. I loved your cake and idea so much that I made one of my own. :) It's on my blog, Life at Le. Rheims:

    Thanks for all the inspiration! God Bless!

  5. Thanks for adding my sadly ghetto version of the Scapular cake to the blog :) My new blog address is just Thanks!

  6. You could easily make individual ones with brownies too!

  7. Yes, brownies work great too! Ruth posted directions for scapular brownies here and Anne shares how to make beautiful Scapular Cookies here.
