
Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patrick's Day Bread

Sweet Pistachio Bread (Green Bread)

1 yellow cake mix
1 pkg instant pistachio pudding
4 eggs
1/4 cup oil
1 cup sour cream
5-10 drops of food coloring (or more)

Mix above well. Generously grease 2 loaf pans.
Dust with a mixture of 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 Tbsp cinnamon.
Reserve remaining sugar mix.
Pour batter into loaf pans.
Sprinkle remaining sugar mix on top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 55 minutes. (or til done)
Remove immediately from pans and place in plastic baggies and refrigerate!

I am about 1/8 Irish.  My mom always argued with my dad, saying us kids were more Irish than German. My dad is 99% German though, so he wins that one.  Us kids all had dark hair and blue eyes so mom always said we looked Irish.  I thought the Irish were famous for having red hair?

We make this bread for St Patrick's Day and for Christmas to give to all the neighbors!  It's always a hit!

Happy St. Patrick's Day and don't forget to wear your green!


  1. +JMJ+

    Hi, Jamie! I haven't frozen my own baking before, so I have a question about this instruction:

    Remove immediately from pans and place in plastic baggies and refrigerate!

    Do you mean that we should remove them immediately from the pans but allow them to cool before bagging and freezing them, or that they should go in while still hot from the oven?


  2. yes, Enbrethiliel, don't let them cool. Weird, I know, but I think it keeps it moist or something. (although, I have also left them out and put them in later and they were fine)
