
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chocolate Crown of Thorns

Speaking of recipes using melted chocolate, this creative and easy project is another idea for Holy Week - possibly Good Friday. The following recipe was submitted by Evann Duplantier, from Homeschool Goodies: Resources for Catholic Homeschoolers and the St. Joseph Altar site. Thank you Evann!

A favorite lenten tradition in our home is the chocolate Crown of Thorns. We usually make one or two for our St. Joseph Altar and then save one for placement on top of our Easter cake.

Here's what you will need:

a bag of pretzel sticks
chocolate to melt (your choice)
wax paper

You can melt your chocolate on the stove top or in the microwave. We tend to use the microwave. Simply throw a handful of pretzel sticks into your melted chocolate, and mix. Remove the chocolate covered sticks one at a time before they start to harden and start building your crown on a piece of wax paper. Place the pretzel sticks at hard angles to get the thorny look. We usually make our about 6 to 7 inches in diameter.. Be sure to coat the pretzel sticks well with chocolate and you’ll end up with a solid and sturdy crown.

Use your chocolate crown of thorns to adorn an Easter cake. Or, fill it with candy eggs on Sunday, transforming your Lenten crown into a Easter bird’s nest. This project is fun for all ages, but I will warn you it is also very messy!


  1. Love this idea! I am getting pretzels for our Good Friday Tea and I can use them up by making these!

  2. Love it!
    We will definitely be making this. Thank you so much!

  3. this looks super fun and easy- two of my requirements for cooking with the kids

  4. I'm thrilled to be featured on Catholic Cuisine! Thank you ladies! Enjoy!

  5. Great design and you can't beat the sweet salty taste.

  6. Wow! If Jesus had known about this beforehand I'm sure it'd have been some relief knowing we'd all have such a sweet treat two thousand years later!
