
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Edible Chairs for the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

With the feast of the Chair of St. Peter at Antioch coming up on February 22nd (a First Communion Anniversary in our home), the Toaster Pastry Throne I came up with during Our Sixth Good Shepherd's Garden Party last year came to mind as a fun treat to make for this feast day.  

Edible Chairs/Thrones


White Almond Bark, Candy Melts or White Chocolate Chips, melted


Cut the Toaster Pastry to make the seat and back of chair/throne, making one side bigger than the other.  Place the taller side on the top end of the shorter side using melted chocolate. 

Cut the cookies into four even sections to use for the legs of the throne and two for the arms... Attach them (as shown below) using melted chocolate.   

Please feel free to leave a link in the comments (or post a picture to our Facebook page) if you end up making these and would like to share a picture.  I'd love to see them!


  1. What a cute idea, we're making those!

  2. It looks so easy and fun! I will for sure make those!

  3. What an awesome idea. Im putting it on my pope blog. My kids are going to love it.

  4. I'll take any excuse to eat pop-tarts! "Yes, children, we're eating poptarts for Religion class today!"

  5. What a fantastic idea Jessica, I love it!

  6. Love it! And if they're organic than it's okay, right? ;)

  7. I agree!! That is an awsome idea!! I will share it as well!

  8. These are darling! Thanks for posting. I love how easy they must be for kids to do, too.

    I'd never thought of celebrating this feast day and I'm glad to know of it now.

  9. You know, you could probably create a non-sweet version of this for Lent with cracker, pretzel rods and nuggets or cheese sticks, and peanut butter...

  10. Pope-Tarts! Love it
