
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ascension Sundaes

The following recipe was submitted by Tiffany, from Family at the Foot of the Cross, for publication here at Catholic Cuisine.  It is such a great idea, especially for those dioceses that celebrated the feast of the Ascension today.   I apologize for taking so long to add the post, but at least it will be in the archives for next year.  I hope you all had a very blessed feast of the Ascension!

Ascension Sundaes

Vanilla Ice Cream = Mt. of Olives

Chocolate Syrup = The trails from the mountain

Whipped Cream & Mini Marshmallows = The Clouds on top of the Mountain

The topper = Jesus Ascending to Heaven

You can click over to Tiffany's blog to see additional pictures, including pictures of their "cloud pizza!"  Thank you Tiffany!


  1. How do you access the archives? I tried during Easter to search for something I had seen last year and couldn't figure out how to get to older posts. Is there a search I'm missing? Or an archive?

  2. Jen ~ I am trying to compile posts each month that list all the ideas that have been posted in the past for each of the feast days. You can find all those "Archive" posts under the search label for Archives (Monthly). We currently have each of these posts linked under Recipes For: (Followed by Jan; Feb; March; etc.) in the right sidebar towards the top.

    If you know specifically what you are looking for, you can use the search widgit in the right sidebar as well.

    Another option is to use either the labels (bottom of the right sidebar) for looking up specific types of foods, particular saints, etc.

    One last place would be the actual "Blog Archive" which lists all the posts by date and title - just above the label section in the right side bar.

    I hope that helps! If all else fails, please feel free to shoot me an email and I will do what I can to help you find the link to what you are looking for! God bless!

  3. Interesting. There is nothing in the right side bar in my view! I am using Firefox . . .

  4. Oh your KIDDING?!?! That's not good, and would make it VERY difficult to find any of the older posts. . . I wonder why?! Can you see anything in the left sidebar? I'll will see if I can figure something out.

  5. Yes, the left side bar is complete, I assume, starting with St. Anne's picture and ending with the blog award. Thank you for trying to help me. It really isn't urgent, but when you find the time, I'd love to be able to access that right sidebar! I ended up finding the Easter item I mentioned so I am just looking at the current stuff now.

  6. Jen ~ I am still not sure what might be causing the problem. I'm wondering if it might have to do with any of the gadgets/widgits (or whatever they are called) in the right side bar, or perhaps our template. I wish I knew more about these sorts of things! Anyhow, until I am able to figure it out, I added an additional label cloud to the bottom of the left sidebar.
