
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Divine Mercy Pancakes

This picture was submitted by Robina, at Motherly Loving, for publication here at Catholic Cuisine. Thank you Robina!

We celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday with a lunch of heart-shaped pancakes with strawberries and blueberries for the red and blue rays representing the blood and water that flowed from Jesus' pierced heart.

Hope you had a wonderful Sunday.

St. Faustina, Pray for us.


  1. Miss Robina,
    You simply must share how you managed such perfect heart shaped pancakes!!!

  2. I'm not Robina, but we bought a set of pancake molds at walmart a couple of years ago, and there's a heart in there. :)

  3. Why thank you Charlotte. I don't have a metal heart shaped cookie cutter only plastic which would melt on my griddle, but maybe metal wouldn't be good because it could scratch teh nonstick surface. So I just made big circle pancakes and then cut them into hearts after they cooked. My husband was delighted to eat all the scraps!! It was really easy and the kids loved it. We ahvea beautiful Divine Mercy image next to our "regular pew" at our church. So my son recognized the rays right away. So great.

  4. gosh I just can not type tonight. Sorry for my earlier typo-ridden post.
