
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

St. Valentine's Day Treats

Last year my children and I made some fun and yummy treats for St. Valentine's Day, which I never did post here at Catholic Cuisine so I thought I would share them with you now:

Candy Coated Oreos, Marshmallows, and Pretzels.

First we gathered all our supplies:

(We never did use the M&M's, but here's a great idea for them.)

Next, we melted about half of our white Almond Bark in the microwave. The girls mixed it to make sure it was smooth.

Each Oreo was dipped in the melted almond bark and laid on a cookie sheet, lined with wax paper, to cool.

After that, we added a little red heart, or sprinkles, to each cookie.

The boys choose to dip the pretzels and marshmallows in brown almond bark and add sprinkles.

The girls didn't want to stop with the cookies, so they helped with the pretzels too!

It was all so very easy to make, and everyone had so much fun!

What are your favorite treats to make for St. Valentine's Day?


  1. Lotsa sprinkles over at your house...very cute ideas.

  2. Cute ideas :) Next year you should add in Ritz crackers with peanut butter to your "dippables". They give a similar taste experience to the Girl Scout Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties, and are really tasty frozen for adults (a bit hard for kids to bite through when frozen) Check out a picture of them here (towards the bottom of the post)
