
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pope Benedict's Coat of Arms Cupcakes

Early this afternoon, I was trying to think of an easy treat to make my children today in honor of our beloved Holy Father's birthday. At first I thought I'd make something along the lines of Margaret's "Popecakes," but then I thought how easy it would be just to print out his Coat of Arms and make cupcake picks!

Ideally I would have liked to bake either White or Red Velvet Cupcakes, but I was sticking to what I had in the cupboard, so Chocolate Fudge it was.

For the frosting I made a Cream Cheese frosting (1 pkg cream cheese, 1/4 cup softened butter, 1 cup of powdered sugar, and 1/2 tsp of vanilla) and added some yellow food coloring to make it "gold."

I used this image (re-sized to 1 3/4") and printed 12 per page leaving room to fold the paper over the toothpick and glue together. I then trimmed the edges.

They were very simple to make, and despite not having white or red cake mix, I thought they turned out pretty cute!

Happy Birthday, Holy Father!!


  1. These are so cute . . . and something I would have never thought of!


  2. Oh my goodness, I had forgotten all about those Pope-cakes! Let's just say that this 8-months' pregnant mom did little to honor His Holiness's birthday today...

    ...but there's always tomorrow. (Don't tell him we're a day late, please.)

    Yours are absolutely beautiful.

  3. Those are so neat, Jessica! What a brilliant way to incorporate the coat of arms!

  4. We didn't remember it was his birthday until the evening. And this idea is just perfect for us because of the food allergies, I'll be sure to remember this for the future. I was thinking of a similar idea for Lamb cupcakes, just inserting a paschal lamb picture. Thanks, Jessica!

  5. Thank you all! They were very easy (a necessity for me right now) and a hit with my children. =)

    Jenn, these would be so easy to customize wouldn't they! And the possibilities are endless!!!

  6. Also, I am sure that I would have forgotten yesterday too, except that I realized last year that my parents were married on the Holy Father's 50th birthday. That will make it extra easy for me to remember how old he is each year too! ;)
