
Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Quick Little Post for St. Lawrence

As part of my planning for our upcoming school year, I was, just this morning, putting together a list of our family's Patron Saints-- something I hadn't done before, and so was not aware of the actual dates of each Patron Saint's feast. One of them is St. Lawrence, who, had it not been a Sunday, would have had his Feast Day, today!

(St. Lawrence is my own dear husband's Patron Saint, so I'm actually glad to have "caught it" on time!)

Obviously, I am not prepared to do justice to this right now, but just in case you want to honor dear St. Lawrence in your travels today, you may want to know the following:

  • St. Lawrence, who was martyred over an open flame (and is famous for quipping, "You can turn me over now, this side is done!") is the patron saint of cooks! Perhaps you might present your cares to him for his special intercession, as you're preparing meals for your family today.
  • Because of the manner in which he was martyred, it is a tradition to eat a cold meal on St. Lawrence's feastday. Sandwiches, subs, cold soups or any chilled entrees in your repertoire would certainly be appropriate (if you're like me and are still puzzling over what to have for dinner!)
  • Finally, I can't think of a better reason to go out for ice cream! :)
Dear St. Lawrence, pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. We also marked St. Lawrence in a small way, but we used the grill and had waffles in the morning, to remember the gridiron!
