
Monday, March 31, 2008

Lamb Cupcakes

When I saw these cupcakes over at Martha Stewart, I just knew I had to make them... They were just too cute. So, when the feast of the Annunciation was moved to the last day of March this year, I decided that would be the perfect day! You know the old sane that says March "goes out like a lamb." Well this year it went out with a lamb, the Lamb of God that is!

These would be fun to make anytime, and they were so easy. All my kids had a blast helping decorate.

Here's what we used:
  • 1 box white cake mix + ingredients listed on box
  • 1 can fluffy white or buttercream frosting
  • 48 mini m&m's
  • 1 piece of bubblegum cut in half lengthwise and then into triangles
  • 12 large marshmallows cut into half lengthwise and then again diagonally
  • 1/2 bag miniature marshmallow cut into half

Bake cupcakes according to directions on package, cool and then frost.

Then, I just let my kids go at it with the toppings, or you could do as Martha says and " Arrange the halved mini marshmallows around the perimeter of each plain-buttercream cupcake, in two concentric circles. Leave room for ears on the edges, and an empty circle in the center for the face. Place halved full-sized marshmallows in reserved spots for the ears. Place two mini chocolate candies in upper half of each empty circle to make the eyes, and a bubble gum triangle for the nose."


  1. Oh, those are so CUTE!

  2. Omgsh all your food looks soooo good!!! haha.
    Makes my mouth water when i go to your page :P
    Thank you for the picture comments btw!
